About Us
Quantum Design Taiwan – located in Taipei – offers leading-edge instruments to the Taiwanese market in the areas of materials characterization, physics, nanotechnology and bioscience. For almost 40 years, Quantum Design has been a leading manufacturer of automated material characterization systems for the physics, chemistry, and material science research communities. Quantum Design Taiwan prides itself on providing local sales, service and technical support to researchers in a wide variety of fields.
Building on its expertise in the global marketing and distribution of its own scientific instruments, Quantum Design International (QDI) broadened its scope to distribute quality scientific instruments from other manufacturers through an international network of wholly owned subsidiaries in every major technological center around the world. With offices in the USA, Japan, China, India, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Brazil, as well as thirteen European countries, QDI is strategically located in the world's key centers for scientific research, providing local marketing, sales and technical support.
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